We intend to utilize this platform to connect alumni and residents of all ages with each other and the officials who govern our historic town. During these hard social and economic times we want to ensure our melting pot based community makes continual strides to maintain the equality we’ve represented for many years!
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on this platform do not necessarily reflect the views of the University City Departments of Government or Schools. In part, we are not an affiliate, subsidiary or have intentions to become agitators to the University City Departments of Government/Schools or the business they conduct.
We hope to serve as medium of voices and opinions of the past, present, and future inhabitants of our beloved neighborhood. We ask that you would stand with us to offer the future generations reason to be proud to call themselves U.City’ans.
With your help we’d like highlight the things that make the “U” who we are! Please feel free to share your events, testimonials, photo’s, funny stories, accolades, and all other things U.City at protectucity@gmail.com to be featured on our website and social media handles. We want to assist in the execution of things that further the culture of our neighborhood, so also feel free to contact us with your concerns, gripes, ideas and suggestions!

![BuzzBook [Words]](http://protectucity.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/BuzzBook-Words.png)